A "magical" wand one Dayton, Ohio, mother bought for her child marked safe for children 3-year-old and up turned out to be more like a scepter straight out of Hell!

According to News 7, Nicole Allen said when her daughter got home and peeled back the foil on the toy's flower-like top, it revealed a very disturbing image of a little girl slitting her wrist with a knife.  Ms. Allen said she was outraged!


A reporter from the television station spoke with the owner of the store, Amar Moustafa, who said the mother should pay more attention to what she is buying, and that the package says 'EVIL STICK!" The owner defended his store's carrying of the toy by that kids see that sort of thing everyday on TV! (Ummmm.... I'm not sure what he allows his kids watch, but most parents will agree self-mutilation is not daily television fare for their pre-schoolers.)

Moustafa said he will not take the item off of store shelves unless he receives a complaint DIRECTLY from a customer.

What do you think? Should he take this off the shelves or should he at least move it out of the toy section? Comment below.


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