I've lived in Louisiana my entire life, but there's still plenty of places I haven't had the chance to visit. Many years ago, I remembered hearing about the regatta in Lake Arthur and how much fun it was, but for one reason or another, never made it. Well, it's summer time and with money being the way it is (always flying out but never coming in), I had to adjust vacation plans this year. Instead of taking 3-4 hours on the road to Gulfport and points East for a beach day, my neighbor suggested that we take our family West about one hour, to Lake Arthur. I had no idea what to expect, but was pleasantly surprised when I got there. For starters, it's only an hour away from Lafayette, which is good for those who don't like to travel nor spend money on gas. Once we arrived, we set up camp and one of the many pavilions that were available with tables and barbecue grills all set up. The park was clean, shady and had plenty of play areas for the kids. Now, for the beach.

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I had heard stories of how Lake Arthur wasn't much of a beach shore, but that changed when the town decided to import sand and really step up the appearance of the beachfront. Now, there's sand from the pavilions into the water (which means no muddy feet when you come out of the water). Very nice people to mingle with while you're there as well. At some point, you forget that you're still in Louisiana (not that being in Louisiana is bad by any means), but you get the point, you feel like you're actually on vacation. If you plan on going, make sure to visit the stores to get your supplies for the day, as this will help support the town as well as the beach improvements.

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For those looking for some pre-4th of July festivities, Lake Arthur has 'Freedom Fest' this Saturday, and fireworks over Lake Arthur sounds like a great way to spend a Saturday.

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Coming soon, a new restaurant will grace the shores of Lake Arthur. It's in the final stages of construction and should be up and running within a few weeks. One of the best parts about Lake Arthur is the knowledge that if you want to go again, it's only a short drive away.

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