A Cincinnati police officer was sitting in his squad car when a goose started to peck on his car door, in hopes of getting his attention. The goose wanted the officer to follow it as one of it's goslings was in trouble.

The officer says the goose pecked on the car door and then walked away, while stopping halfway and then turning around. The officer interpreted that as sign that the goose wanted him to follow it down to the creek.

When the officer and his partner followed the goose down to the creek, they found one gosling in distress. The baby bird was tangled in ballon string and was having trouble walking.

One officer was able to release the bird from the string and it was set free. Now, if you know geese, they are VERY protective of their young. This mother goose did not seem to mind the police officer handling the gosling.

In the end, the gosling was set free and able to rejoin it's siblings down by the creek. What a great story.

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