19-year-old Danny Bowman is now telling his story on how taking "selfies" nearly killed him. He was so obsessed with getting the perfect photo of himself, he would waste up to 10 hours a day on his mission and would take up to 200 selfies a day. This obsession lead him to overdosing at his home when he realized he couldn't reach perfection.

Bowman says that when his parents tried to intervene and address his addiction, he became angry at them and would even get violent towards them when they attempted to remove the device from his possession.

Bowman, who dropped out of school because of his addiction, says that he lost his education, friends, and will to live all because he needed that perfect photo of himself. The young man says that this addiction started when he was 15-years-old.

After Bowman tried to take his own life, his parents had him committed to treat this addiction. He was treated for OCD & Body dysmorphic disorder, an excessive anxiety about personal appearance.

The young man says he has not taken a "selfie" in nearly seven months and that he realizes getting the perfect photo of himself is impossible. Danny Bowman is believed to be the first person in Britain to suffer from such an addiction.

Determined to raise awareness of this type anxiety, he is now working with Fixers, a national charity that reaches out to young people to help them address personal issues.

For more on this story and photos of Danny Bowman, click HERE.


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