Move over Beats By Dre, there's a new fashionable head phone on the market.

Since arriving from Japan, zipper headphones have promised to make untangling your ear buds a thing of the past. Available in pretty much every color imaginable, these fully functioning head phones put an interesting new spin on an old product, and manage to do so without putting too much strain on your pocket book. While Dre's infamous 'Beats' might hit you for half a grand, you can scoop up some zipper headphones for around $20.

The selling point for the new head phones is the color, the uniqueness, and the easily adjustable non-tangle zipper wire. No longer will you anguish, losing precious seconds of your life  untangling your headphones. The zipper headphone design ensures more time listening (and looking cool while your doing it) and less time worrying about tangles.

The question becomes, will you buy them? Yes they're new, yes they're different, but would you buy them? For now I think I'm going to stay old school and keep untangling my ear buds before crossing over into zipper land.

What do you think about zipper head phones? Pimpin or limpin? Let us know in the comment section and be sure to click the "Like" button to share this with your friends.

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