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First Meteor Shower of 2021 Happening This Weekend

The first weekend of 2021 brings with it the first meteor shower of the year. Talk about making an entrance!

The type of meteor shower we’re getting is called a Quadrantids. NASA describes a Quadrantids shower as one of the best meteor showers because of its “bright fireball meteors”.

However, there are a couple of things that are going to stand in the way of us seeing the Quadrantids meteor shower in its full glory.


“Most meteor showers have a two-day peak, which makes catching a glimpse of shooting stars more possible, but NASA says the Quadrantids’ peak is much shorter – only a few hours.”

The other obstacle that will keep the first meteor shower of 2021 from being 100% is the moon. The moon has been full this past week and it’s still shining fairly bright. As a result, it will keep the night sky a bit brighter than usual, therefore the meteor shower won’t standout as much as it could. reports the Quadrantids meteor shower will “be at its best just before the break of dawn, about 6 a.m. local time” tomorrow morning, Saturday, January 2nd.


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