7 Personal Questions You Should Never Ask Someone From Louisiana
We know people are extra friendly here in Louisiana but sometimes there are questions that are better left unasked even if you have good intentions. We get it, sometimes you just wanna be nosey but there is a time and place for everything.
We asked our listeners what personal questions you should never ask someone, even if you have good intentions, and here are the results. Hopefully, we can all learn something from this and stop asking questions people never want to be asked.
7 Personal Questions You Should Never Ask Someone from Louisiana
If someone wants you to know they are expecting, they will tell you.
This was one of the top comments which tells us people are still asking couples this question they don't want to be asked. Believe it or not, some couples are unable to have children or simply don't want kids.
Do we really have to explain why this question should never asked?
Yet another personal question that doesn't need to be asked. So what if it isn't?
News Flash! Not everyone wants to be married. I know crazy right?
Jeeze. I know Louisiana knows how to throw back a few drinks but it's okay to not want to drink and we don't need to peer pressure nondrinkers into taking shots or to "just have one drink" when they say they don't drink.
Last but certainly not least, stop asking people about their weight. Period. You have no idea what that person is going through and chances are they don't need or want you commenting on their appearance. We all battle our negative inner dialogue on a daily basis so don't draw attention to what could be someone's biggest insecurity.
You can view the original post and comment section below.
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Gallery Credit: Sydney DuCharme