A Denham Springs Woman Is Forced To Remove ‘Offensive’ Christmas Lights
A woman in Denham Springs recently got a visit from her local police department after neighbors complained about her "offensive" Christmas lights. Homeowner Sarah Henderson outlined the roof of her house with lights to resemble a human hand "flipping the bird."
According to WWL, neighbors called police to complain, and Denham Springs Police Corporal Shawn Perkins paid her a visit. The homeowner told the police that she intentionally outlined the roof of her house with the lights to send a message to her neighbors. We can only assume that Ms. Henderson and her neighbors are not on the best of terms.
The police informed Henderson that the display was in violation of obscenity laws and that it must come down, or else. The homeowner agreed that it wasn't worth the fight or hassle, and she agreed to remove the Christmas lights from her house.
However, the ACLU has since intervened and they say that Henderson has all the right to display any message she feels like. "The First Amendment expressly, explicitly, makes clear that even things like the raised middle finger are protected speech," says Executive Director Marjorie Esman.
For more on this story visit WWL.
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