Today is the fourth of July, and many people will be celebrating our nation's independence by using fireworks.

Louisiana State Fire Marshall Butch Browning says that safety is the number one thing to keep in mind while celebrating with fireworks.


Browning offers some simple advice about fireworks:

  • Always read and follow the directions of the product
  • Never hold fireworks in your hands
  • Always you a stable base when using fireworks
  • Move away quickly after light the firework
  • Give yourself and dwellings plenty of space when deciding where to set off your fireworks
  • Don't make and use your own fireworks
  • If a firework doesn't "go off", just leave it alone

Browning says you should keep a bucket of water or hose on hand in the event that something goes wrong with the fireworks, and if you are injured make sure you call 911 for medical help immediately.

The Fire Marshall reminds consumers that fireworks stands must be inspected and have a permit from his office to operate. Browning says only buy fireworks from these stands.

He says there are some products that are illegal in Louisiana including the following:

  • M80
  • Quarter Stick
  • Cherry Bombs

He says these illegal products are usually packaged in brown labels, or they come without any packaging.

Browning also reminds consumers that fireworks stand workers are not able to sell fireworks to anyone under the age of 15.

To find out information regarding the use of fireworks in Lafayette, click here.

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