A Second Chance Heaven Sent
A lot can happen in 24 hours.
Ted Williams was recently standing on the corner in Columbus, OH, holding up a sign that read "God-given gift of a great voice." A local paper shot a video of Williams telling an abbreviated version of his story, and soon the clip went viral. 4 million views and counting later, the Cleveland Cavaliers have extended a job offer, as well as a home offer. Hollywood has called for Williams to bring his talents to the west coast. ESPN, MTV, the list goes on. Possibly the biggest perk of all is that he will be traveling to his hometown of NYC to do interviews and more importantly be reunited with his family.
This morning Williams was in studio during an exclusive interview with the Dave & Jimmy Show on WNCI explaining his story and how his life changed so rapidly in the last 24 hours. Fighting back the tears Williams said
"I'm gonna be going to New York, hopefully this afternoon... I apologize. I'm getting a little emotional. I haven't seen my mom in a great deal of time. She lives in Brooklyn. I was born and raised in Brooklyn. One of my biggest prayers that I sent out was that she would live long enough for me to see me rebound."
We'll continue to keep you posted on a man who went from a life of mishaps, addiction and heartache to a 2nd chance in life on a gift that God never took away from him.