I’m Brandon Michael, and I love radio. I have been pursuing this fevered dream for about 20 years now, and I still wake up every morning feeling blessed that I can do what I truly love. My personal mission is to change the world into the kind of place our kids can be proud of. I love Star Wars, possibly in an unnatural way. Empire Strikes Back was the first movie I ever saw in the theater and it changed my life! I am a huge video game junkie, and have been since the original Atari. I have been married to an incredibly beautiful and patient woman for more than 10 years. Tracy is the love of my life and obviously loves me enough to put up with my weirdness. I am the proud father to a smart and funny boy named Deacon and a beautiful baby girl named Isabelle.
Brandon Michael
This LSU Student Has Been Charged with Felony Hazing
An unnamed freshman pledge was dumped at the hospital with an astonishing blood alcohol content (BAC) of 0.45
Meteor Showers & a Lunar Eclipse In the Louisiana Sky this Month
With so many troubles and worries down here on this pale blue dot we call Earth, perhaps we should turn our gaze skyward this month.
Science Has Proven That These are the 11 Scariest Movies
Health experts say that the average resting heart rate is around 60 bpm (beats per minute). The movies listed below will push your ticker well beyond that.
200 COVID-19 Kits to be Given Away Ahead of Fall Resurgence
Just when you thought we might be coming out of this pandemic, health officials have started talking about a fall "resurgence."
Half Christmas Trees On Sale Again This Year
For folks in tight spaces, or for those who hate decorating the backside of the tree because no one is going to see that side anyway - this could be the perfect tree.
Could You Date Someone With Opposing Political Views?
70% of Democrats that answered said that it would be an absolute deal-breaker if the person they were considering dating had voted (or planned to vote) for Donald Trump.
This Guy Gets $300K a Month to Get Stung By Wasps & Stuff
Coyote Peterson (maybe not an idiot) has at least three-hundred thousand very good reasons a month to do what he does.
Have You Ever Seen These Legendary Louisiana Monsters?
A lot of Louisiana was wild and uncharted for most of our history with it (some of it still is).
9-Carat Diamond Found at Arkansas’ Crater of Diamonds State Park
It has the distinction of being the 2nd largest diamond ever found there.
‘Zombie Hurricane’ Detected in the Atlantic Ocean
To make things extra 2020-ish, this undead storm is one of 5 tropical storms raging in the Atlantic Ocean right now
First of 200 Bed Bath & Beyond Closings Announced, LA on the List
According to CEO Mark Tritton, this move will save the company somewhere between $250 and $350 million annually.
Taco Bell Took Our Mexican Pizza, But They’re Giving Us Wine!
This red wine was made to compliment the new toasted cheesy chalupa and boasts notes of wild strawberry, cherry and beetroot.
Kids Who Have Dogs Become More Successful Adults
Consider it an investment in their future (even if you end up walking it).
10 Summer Things You Can Still Do In Louisiana this Fall
I have compiled a list of things you should totally take advantage of in Louisiana before it gets too cold (like 80° or lower!)
Brand New Chick-fil-A Menu Items Are Arriving!
Chick-fil-A has announced that coming up on September 14th, will be adding 3 new soon-to-be favorites to the line up, and 2 of them will be permanent!
Jelly Belly Says You Actually Can’t Win One of Their Factories
Jelly Belly came forward yesterday to make a very important clarification.
Louisiana Woman Arrested for Stabbing Hubby Over Beer Money
The victim (McGraw's unnamed husband) claimed that Ebony became so enraged at his beer purchase - she stabbed him with a kitchen knife.
5 Things You Didn’t Know about Pumpkin Spice
While you suck down your 5th PSL and strap on your Uggs let me take you for a stroll through the secret history of you favorite fall flavor.
Zoo Officials Plan to Dose Elephants with CBD Oil
Sure, it might take a whole tanker of CBD oil to treat two particularly difficult elephants at the zoo - but officials are willing to take a shot.
CDC Backtracks on COVID Testing Guidelines
Now it looks like the CDC is crawfishing on that statement due to crushing criticism from the scientific and medical communities.