This Is One Of The Best Surprises A Girlfriend Can Ask For [VIDEO]
She clearly had no idea this surprise was for her, which just makes it that much better.
This is above and beyond one of the coolest things you could do for your girlfriend.
Watch as this guy sets up his girlfriend for the biggest surprise of her life. She was away on a long teaching program in Costa Rica.
It starts off with his girlfriend sitting and waiting at the airport. You can see she is on the phone trying to get in touch with him.
Then a guy comes up to her and asks her if he can sit. She politely moves over and he starts singing. At first it looks like she wants to get up and move, then she sees the camera man and starts to get happy tears. The man starts wailing Bruno Mars.
Then she sees him and the tears start to flow! There is no way you're not getting goose bumps from this.