Again, it's that time of the year.

The LSU AgCenter has a warning for us and it is to avoid coming into contact with this particular caterpillar.

The stinging Buck Moth caterpillar will lay its eggs in oak trees between March and May at often they fall to the ground.

That is when most of us will come into contact with it and if you or someone you may know touches it, the sting could last for hours.

According to the LSU Ag Center, "When stung, pain is immediate, with radiation to local lymphatic groups followed by localized itching, swelling, and redness.

I share this with you because I know that you and the kids will be out more these days as the season changes, but you need to be aware of this threat during the spring months.

As always, if you're out in the yard or anywhere for that matter, be aware of your surroundings and always keep an eye on the kids. Sadly, kids aren't aware of the dangers of caterpillars.

It is noted below that if you come into contact with this stinging caterpillar, you should immediately wash the stung area with soap and water or with any sterilizing agent. You will then want to allow the area to air dry.


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