Does Cardi B want to gain some weight? In her own words, "Um, yeah."

The "Bodak Yellow" raper, who gave birth to Kulture Kiari Cephus in July, opened up in an Instagram post Monday (October 8) about how she's not particularly pleased with her current body shape. More specifically: she wants to be a little bigger.

"Now that i lost all the baby weight i gotta gain some back," she wrote on Instagram, noting that a current diet tea is keeping her svelte. She also called herself "Skinnymomma."

Cardi previously told E! News she "never worked out in my life," and said that dancing is her exclusive bit of fitness. The rapper also told the site that having a baby inspired her to undergo another change to her body, too.

"Kulture did me bad." She said. "I'm getting my t--- done. I don't give a f---. Matter of fact, I'm not even going to call it a surgery. I'm just going to say a 't---- renovation' because I got to renovate these s----."

Still, none of this is to say Kulture is a burden — in fact, Cardi loves her daughter so much, she withdrew in June from a spot on Bruno Mars' tour.

"As of today I've decided I won't be joining Bruno on tour this fall. I thought that after giving birth to my daughter, that six weeks would be enough time for me to recover mentally and physically," she wrote in a tweet. "I just wanna get home to my baby. She's so cute. I love her."

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