How Do I Know What Number Goes With Each Cash Code? Here’s An Easy Way To Keep Track
You've got questions when it comes to the Hot 107.9 $10,000 Cash Code, and we've got your answer.
Nearly a week into the contest, so many people have hit us up with many different questions when it comes to the Cash Code but, by far, this is the biggest one:
Which cash code number do I enter the word in?
It's understandable if you miss a couple of codes, buts it's very easy to stay on track with one simple guide.
So every weekday we give you TEN (10) codewords at the top of the hour starting at 8 a.m. (first code) through 5 p.m. (last code). An easy guide for you to remember which code goes with which number is as follows:
8 a.m. = Code #1
9 a.m. = Code #2
10 a.m. = Code #3
11 a.m. = Code #4
12 p.m. = Code #5
1 p.m. = Code #6
2 p.m. = Code #7
3 p.m. = Code #8
4 p.m. = Code #9
5 p.m. = Code #10
So there you have it! I wish I could tell you that it was some type of sorcery or inside trick, but it really is that easy to win. Grab the app for all the details and contest rules and enter the codes HERE.
Good luck!