Chevy’s “Life” Commercial Will Give You All Sorts of Feels
You might not expect the reason why this woman in Chevy's "Life" commercial is tearing up. But you'll probably do the same by the end of the video.
The commercial is about a minute long and features a long expanse of desert road at sunrise. A man and a woman are driving through the morning in a Chevy truck. As soon as the woman sets her eyes on the sun rising over the hills, she grabs the man's hand and smiles with tears in her eyes. They're both happy to see another morning together.
This touching commercial is meant to be a celebration of cancer survivors and is titled with the hashtag #PurpleYourProfile. Chevy would like folks to turn their Facebook or Twitter profile pictures purple at this site together with the American Cancer Society in support of World Cancer Day, which is Feb. 4, 2014. Chevy itself will contribute $1 for every purple profile picture, up to $1 million, so go purple yourself up!
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