Chick-fil-A Restaurant on Ambassador Caffery Set to Relocate in Lafayette
The Chick-fil-A restaurant located on Ambassador Caffery will re-locate in 2022.
The Advocate is reporting that the popular restaurant in Lafayette will close the doors and then open in the new location by April of 2022. The new location for Chick-fil-A will be off of Kaliste Saloom (101 Meadow Farm Road).
In case you're wondering where this is in Lafayette, this address is near Costco Warehouse, which is close to the Ambassador Caffery/Kaliste Saloom intersection.
The new store, which will be located where Red Robin was, will have two fast food lines, thus making the service move much quicker.
The Advocate reports that the parent company for Chick-fil-A is dedicated to improving efficiency and the owners of the Lafayette-based restaurant say that the new location will allow for such.
To read more about the move, visit the Advocate.