In Chris Rock's hilarious, poignant standup Netflix special, Tambourine, he recounts the time that Rihanna inadvertently stiff-armed him when he tried to flirt with her at a party. Rocks says Rihanna basically didn't even look at him sexually at all, and he was reduced to "uncle" status.

Now, he's promoting his new Netflix movie (Netflix is cutting some serious checks) with Adam Sandler, The Week Of, and he's telling the story once more. He went on The Tonight Show and gave Jimmy Fallon the lowdown after he brought the situation up again.

"Rihanna is so fine if she didn't sing her life would be exactly the same," Rock joked. "She'd have clothing lines, people would be asking for autographs. I thought, 'Hey, I'm single now. Let me give it a go,'" Rock recalled.

Rihanna was completely oblivious though. "She didn't even register me as a sexual being. She was saying 'Where's Ray J?' I was, like, in the uncle zone," Rock says.

Fallon also asked Adam Sandler about meeting Justin Bieber—Sanders calls him a "nice kid."

You can check out the comical clip below.The Week Of hits Netflix on Friday, April 27.


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