Church Point, Louisiana Police Department Address Complaints About Crosswalk Laws
There have been a total of 7,624 pedestrians killed in the United States so far this year. Using designated crosswalks and avoiding trying to cross busy roads without a signal is important to remember when navigating a city on foot. It's also important to keep a watchful eye out for pedestrians who don't follow the signals or use crosswalks properly, especially in heavily populated areas near Universities and schools.
Today, both pedestrians and drivers are more distracted than ever before which has contributed to the 13% increase in pedestrian fatalities this year. In an effort to protect pedestrians, Church Point, Louisiana Police addressed some concerns from the community regarding the matter on Facebook.

The Church Point Police Department shared that they have received several complaints regarding the pedestrian crosswalks in their town according to their post on Facebook. The complaints also request for law enforcement to be more strict and enforce the crosswalk laws in place.
With that being said, all signs posted in schools and pedestrian crossings will be "aggressively enforced" and citations will be issued by Police to those who violate the crosswalk laws. They note that drivers are required to come to a complete stop and wait until the pedestrian or student has safely crossed the marked crosswalk.
Several complaints have been received by the Police Department about the pedestrian crosswalks in town. Several have shown that they want law enforcement to enforce the crosswalk laws. Effective immediately all sign posted school crossings and pedestrian crossings will be aggressively enforced with citations being issued. Any person driving a vehicle will come to a complete stop per state law and allow the pedestrian or student to cross in a marked crosswalk with displayed signs. Please be aware of this as these crossings are well marked on the roadway and with warning signs. These crossings are for the safety of pedestrians and students walking home from school be observant and be safe
The already existing crosswalk laws will be effective and enforced immediately in Church Point, Louisiana.
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