Well, the cybercriminals are certainly making their presence known in Louisiana these days, aren't they? A major ransomware attack on Monday took out a lot of state-run websites and networks. The OMV offices across the state are still closed because of that attack. And now comes word that online services for the City of New Iberia may have been the target of a cyber attack as well.

The Daily Iberian newspaper is reporting that the attack actually came during Tuesday night's city council meeting. Mayor Freddie DeCourt told reporters that the town's Information Technologies director actually noticed the encryption occurring as the council was in session.

This prompted officials to take certain services and networks offline so experts could asses the attack and the damage that may have occurred. It is hoped that the city's online services will return online very soon.

It's not the first attack government offices have been attacked by cybercriminals this year. Back in August, the Iberia Parish School Board reported that its network had been the target of a cyber attack. However, that attack was thwarted before any damage could be done.



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