Colin Kaepernick might be a free agent at the moment, but he's certainly been busy off the field. The football star has spent his off-season giving back to the community, and his most recent action is going to make a big difference for 50 lucky men.

The 29-year-old baller was seen outside of an New York City parole office this week, where he teamed up with Kevin Livingston to donate 50 suits to his 100 Suits For 100 Men organization. The company serves to provide free outfits, haircuts and life skills to men who have been incarcerated within the last five years, according to reports. TMZ says that Kaepernick got in touch with Livingston through his girlfriend, Nessa, who did an interview with the owner for Hot 97 recently.

"He was a great partner. He went above and beyond all expectations to help give these guys a second chance," Livingston said in a statement to TMZ. "He's a hero in my eyes, he's a hero in the eyes of the guys who are going to be receiving these suits. Colin you're the man to me, you're a hero to the men of South Jamaica Queens."

Kaepernick has received backlash over the last year for kneeling during the national anthem at NFL games to take a stand against police brutality. However, that hasn't stopped his ongoing commitment to the community. Since October 2016, he’s donated $100,000 per month to various charities and organizations, including the Black Veterans for Social Justice, Meals on Wheels,, the Center for Reproductive Rights in New York and the Coalition for Human Immigrant Rights of Los Angeles to name a few.

He has yet to be signed to a new team.


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