Plans for the safe and strategic reopening of the Coushatta Casino Resort have been announced. The Coushatta Tribe of Louisiana made details of those plans known in a statement released to the media on Friday. According to that statement, the reopening is set to begin on Wednesday, May 20th at Noon.

Many of you have inquired as to what services will be open after that date.

The entire gaming floor, the Seven Clans Hotel, many restaurants including Starbucks, Lagniappe Market, Diner 165, and Nathan’s Famous Hot Dogs, the RV Park and Chalets, and the Pavilion at Coushatta are all within the reopening phase beginning on May 20th.

Koasati Pines Golf Course and Feather Fuel previously reopened on May 1st.

As you might expect safety for guests and employees is the paramount concern of the Coushatta Tribe of Louisiana. The facility will be in strict compliance with all guidelines set forth by the Centers for Disease Control. The resort will also act within compliance of state and local emergency management guidance.

Among the guidelines will be adherence to mandated social distancing policies, patron density, and capacity control as well as temperature and health screenings. Guests will have their temperature screened using touchless state of the art thermal scanners. Coushatta Casino Resort will also introduce enhanced cleaning and sanitation protocols and measures throughout the resort.

Coushatta Casino Resort is located in Kinder Louisiana and U.S. Highway 165. The resort offers guests over 2,000 slots and more than 65 table games including live poker, plus live bingo and off-track betting.


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