Remember that huge NYC nightclub fight back in June between those two R&B dudes? A newly filed lawsuit in the Manhattan Supreme Court claims that Chris Brown and Drake are the ones responsible for starting the whole mess that sent bottles flying, not to mention numerous innocent bystanders to the emergency room.

As if blaming the two stars wasn't enough, Entertainment Enterprises, Ltd. - the company behind the suit - is seeking $16 million in damages. And if THAT wasn't enough, the official document claims that bad blood between the two artists centered around one thing:



The suit claims that because of Breezy & Drizzy's past relationships with RiRi, the minute they crossed paths at W.I.P. Nightclub, it led to instant violence. It goes onto say that not only were they allowed in "with crews made up of at least 15 heavily built men," but that those men were "trained and/or experienced in hand to hand combat."

The document also claims that once the drama jumped off, those "trained men" were told to join in on the fight - which I guess explains the whole alleged "gross negligence," "ultrahazardous activity" and "intentional illegal" thingies that are mentioned in the lawsuit.

To me "ultrahazardous activity" sounds like a fun weekend, but from the looks of this lawsuit, this is going to be anything but fun for these two crooners.

Do you think Drake & Chris Brown are to blame? And if so, is $16 million in damages realistic?

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