By now you know that Sean Payton will no longer be the head coach of the New Orleans Saints.

Many of his current and former players are now responding to the announcement of his "retirement" from the Saints, but no one bigger than Drew Brees.

Sean Payton noted in his farewell address that when no one else would take a chance on Drew Brees, they did. Well, now Drew Bress is reacting to the news that Payton is out of New Orleans.

Drew Brees IG
Drew Brees IG

In an Instagram post, Brees expressed how appreciative he was for the chance that Sean Payton gave him. I think we'd all agree that it worked out quite well.

The former Saints quarterback would go on to say that he, "Spent every day of my Saints career trying to prove him right!"

Drew never wanted to let his coach down because he knew while others doubted him, Sean Payton never did.

Drew Brees IG
Drew Brees IG

Together, Drew Brees and Sean Payton spent 16 years in New Orleans and you can't deny the impact they had not just on the city of New Orleans, but on the southern gulf region.

Check out this emotional message to Sean Payton from his quarterback, Drew Brees.


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