Fat Boy's Pizza in Baton Rouge, known for its 30-inch pizzas, wants you to take the Fat Boy's 2-foot pizza slice challenge to win $2500.

Fat Boy's newest location on Nicholson Drive in Baton Rouge near Tiger Stadium will give anyone who eats one of their famous 2-foot pizza slices in under 7 minutes $20, a t-shirt, and bragging rights. Cheese or pepperoni, your choice. Do it in under 2 minutes and 50 seconds and you'll receive $2500 cash.

They've had hundreds of people win the 7-minute challenge at their original Metairie location but one very accomplished challenger, competitive eater Joey Chestnut, did it in 2 minutes and 50 seconds. Consider this, Joey also ate 75 hot dogs in 10 minutes for the Nathan's Famous International Hot Dog Eating Competition. So anyone who beats his record wins the big prize and should probably consider changing careers.

Here's a video of his record-setting pizza-eating performance:

The Fat Boy's Pizza challenge will cost you $20. For 20 bucks they make you a 2-foot slice of pizza, set a timer, and your off!

Next time you're headed to New Orleans or Tiger Stadium, check out Fat Boy's Pizza located at 2565 Metairie Rd. in Metairie, La. and 624 Nicholson Dr. in Baton Rouge.

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