Faith House In Need Of Chromebooks As Children At The Shelter Prepare For Virtual Learning
Our friends at Faith House need our help to prepare for the upcoming school year.
Every parent is either preparing to send their children back to campus with caution for the upcoming school year or setting up a virtual learning area in their home. The same goes for the children at Faith House who are preparing for the 2020 school year.
We spoke to Nicole Cockerham, the Director of Development at Faith House, and she told us that while they continue to find alternative safe housing for families, they are also preparing for a full shelter of children who will be learning virtually once school begins.
We are in need of Chromebooks....they can be new or gently used. They need to have a working camera, mic and keyboard and connection to wireless. We also have a list of school supplies, we have a link to a Walmart list at the top of the Faith House Facebook page.
If you have a Chromebook that fits the description, you can reach out to Nicole Cockerham at Faith House by calling 337-232-8954. Let's make sure these kids at Faith House have what they need to start their school year, no matter what it may look like.
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