Family Member of St. Landry Parish Student Concerned About Lunch Served [PHOTO]
One family member of a high school student in St. Landry Parish is upset over a photo of the lunch served that was sent to her.
The person who sent me the photo of the lunch below wishes to remain anonymous, but she says that the photo of the lunch comes from Eunice High School.
As you can see in the photo below, the students were served a roll of bread, a slice of ham, corn, and mac and cheese. And that's it.
This isn't the first photo we report on from a school in St. Landry Parish, but now more parents are commenting under the original post that included the photo you see here.
Some parents are saying that this explains why their kids have come home from school hungry and many say that something needs to be done about the school lunch served in St. Landry Parish.
To be fair, parents from other school districts have echoed the same concerns as those in St. Landry Parish.