Simply titled "Janet", the 2022 Janet Jackson A&E documentary is an officially-authorized two-part biography of the singer's nearly 50-year career. "Janet" premiered Friday, January 28 on Lifetime and A&E to rave reviews.

"Janet" Extended Trailer on Lifetime and A&E

Janet Jackson on The Kelly Clarkson Show a Few Days Before Documentary Airs

The documentary takes a look at the youngest Jackson's showbiz start in 1974, through today with a look back at her beginnings in Gary, Indiana, family, divorce, death, being a black woman in music and ends with Janet today...the mother.

Janet Jackson Sends a Message to Fans Before "Janet" Airs

"Janet" Can Still be Streamed on the A&E App and On-Demand

"Janet" is also available using the Free Philo Trial

Prior to Janet Jackson's "State of the World" tour, the legendary performer rehearsed in the Lafayette Cajundome. Some Lafayette fans caught glimpses of the star leaving and returning to a popular Lafayette hotel on Pinhook near the river, Cajundome workers saw her at show rehearsals and fans were wowed by Ms. Jackson at the actual Lafayette performance.

Cajundome attendance for the show was less than expected due to a few postponements of the original date. The show was amazing, however, some fans were hoping for more classics.

About 13 seconds of footage recorded during her stay in Lafayette made it into the documentary. You may recognize some of these hometown faces. (We can legally only show you still photos from the documentary "Janet")


Janet Jackson With an Inspiring Message (Possibly in response to something that was said after "Janet" aired on Lifetime and A&E)

Lifetime and A&E claim to have plans to rerun "Janet" but have not presented dates as of yet.

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