Flies That Crawl Into Noses and Ears are Swarming in Louisiana
I absolutely HATE bugs so needless to say, this really creeps me out. Apparently, there are black flies out right now in Louisiana that will crawl into ears and noses. How will I sleep at night? According to the East Baton Rouge Parish Abatement and Rodent Control, these flies are biters and they usually bite in the late morning. They say that repellent and sprays do not work because these flies aren't affected by it. The females are said to crawl into your nose, ears, and eyes.
According to Purdue University, these flies can transmit diseases to livestock and can also suffocate livestock by crawling into their nose and throat. These black flies, also called buffalo gnats or turkey gnats, are not known to transmit diseases to humans. For more information click here.