Frank Ocean Allegedly Reveals He’s Bisexual on New Album
Although there hasn’t been an official confirmation from Frank Ocean, TV and radio personality Max has alluded on her blog that the Odd Future singer opens up about his bisexuality on his new album ‘Channel Orange.’ The journalist had a chance to hear the 17-song collection during a listening session in the U.K., and according to her, some of the lyrics might surprise some people.
ThisisMax claims that Ocean reflects on his own sexuality and his preference of both men and women on various tracks on the album. She writes:
Frank has also opened up about his sexuality on the album, we think it’s brave and admire him for being so honest and sharing such a personal aspect of his life through his music. On the songs ‘Bad Religion,’ ‘Pink Matter’ and ‘Forrest Gump’ you can hear him sing about being in love and there are quite obvious words used like ‘him’ and not ‘her.’”
The aforementioned song ‘Pink Matter’ features a verse from OutKast rapper Andre 3000.
It will be interesting to see how the R&B and hip-hop community responds to this news. It will be even more interesting to hear what OF leader Tyler, the Creator thinks about this report since his group’s lyrics are not particularly gay-friendly.
On a side note, we didn’t hear the album so we cannot confirm what ThisisMax was listening to at the listening session was correct. We must also mentioned that music websites Billboard and MTV heard the album as well and didn’t come away with the same conclusion with Ocean’s songs (*Kanye Shrug*).
Fans will be able to decide for themselves when Frank Ocean releases his debut album ‘Channel Orange’ on July 17.
What do you think? Would you support Frank Ocean if he did announce he was gay or bisexual? Tell us in the comments below.
Watch the Frank Ocean ‘Swim Good’ Video