NEW ORLEANS (AP) — Louisiana Gov. John Bel Edwards has vetoed legislation that would have allowed adults 21years-and-older to carry concealed firearms without a permit.

The Democratic governor said Friday he strongly supports Second Amendment rights but he also believes people carrying concealed weapons should have “basic marksmanship and safety training.”

To consider overriding the veto, the House and Senate would have to agree to hold an unprecedented veto session. Pressure for such a session has been building since Edwards vetoed legislation prohibiting transgender athletes from competing on girls’ sports teams in Louisiana schools.

Political analyst Bernie Pinsonat says with the anti-transgender bill receiving bipartisan support and the permitless constitutional carry legislation passing by a large margin, the governor is rolling the political dice.

“This is one of those where you are spending political capital to go into a veto session,” said Pinsonat.

The bill by Monroe Republican Sen. Jay Morris passed by wide margins in the House and Senate. LA Publisher Jeremy Alford believes the veto issued Friday increases the possibility of a veto session next month.

“The Speaker of the House, the majority leader of the House, the Attorney General, the Republican leadership and Senate Republicans are hearing the same,” Alford.

If both chambers agree on a veto session, it would be held from July 20th to the 24th.

Alford says the House appears to be in favor of a veto session, with House Speaker Clay Schexnayder publicly lobbying for one to be called. But Senate President Page Cortez has not said publicly whether a veto session should occur.

Alford says the upper chamber might be waiting to see what the governor does with a transportation funding bill that would take money away from the general fund to pay for road and bridge projects.

He says a third veto of a high-profile might result in the first-ever veto session held by the Louisiana Legislature.

Lawmakers will receive ballots in the mail during the first week of July to vote on holding a veto session.

(Story written by KEVIN McGILL/AP & Jeff Palermo/Louisiana Radio Network)

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