The zombie apocalypse is coming...maybe but probably not. Have you ever thought where you would go if actually did happen though? Where would you hide?

Here are a few places to hunker down and worry about stuff...and things.

Unsplash Via Zorik D
Unsplash Via Zorik D

Best Places To Hide During A Zombie Apocalypse

The first thing that comes to mind are oil rigs.

Can't you just see the movie plot now - some bad voodoo goes down in New Orleans turning people into zombies. A group of survivors then fight their way through hordes of the undead to the Louis Armstrong Airport, commandeer a helicopter, and fly to the nearest offshore rig.


Not a bad plan really. You can see for miles and every direction, which is great for seeing any potential danger coming your way.

Assuming the fish haven't gone zombie, you would have access to plenty of food.

And, if you can get access to a boat, you'll fine as dandy wine...whatever that means.

See y'all on the Thunder Horse!

Zombie Hoarde
Unsplash Via Henrik L.

Aside from oil rigs out in the Gulf, Louisiana provides quite a few more pretty fantastic places to ride out and survive a zombie apocalypse.

The Salt Mines
- In Vermilion Parish, the Jefferson Island salt mine is a quick, fast destination to get to. The only risk is that they're known to collapse and create sinkholes.

The Jefferson Island is not a great place to shake the zombies strategically, but pretty practical as well considering the place is pretty much its own underground city.

Louisiana Castles - Well, believe it or not, we have quite a few castles in Louisiana. Like Louisiana Castle in Franklinton or the old State Capitol in downtown Baton Rouge. These fortresses are designed to withstand attacks from zombie hordes.

Louisiana Irish Bayou Castle
TSM/Matt Gholston


Driskill Mountain - The highest point in the state. Great lookout point and it's outside. The downside is that it makes it prone to night attacks.

Timbalier Island - It's an island. Same rules and methods apply as the oil rig plan.

Fort Proctor - It's a fortress on water! Just make sure you have a boat and you are golden.

Just look at this's perfect!

Fort Proctor
Wikipedia Via Eric Botnick

Tallest Buildings In Louisiana
- Tall buildings make for great vantage points against danger. Buildings like Chase Tower in Lafayette, the State Capitol in Baton Rouge and One Shell Square in New Orleans. Just make sure you clear the buildings first.

AVOID THE STATE OF TEXAS AT ALL COSTS - No explanation needed here. The nearby cities of Houston and Dallas are so populated that the state will be crawling with biters.

What places in Louisiana do you think should be added to this list?

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