Man Records Huge Wasp Nest Outside Of His Window [VIDEO]
You can see into a wasp nest through this guy's window. It's what nightmares are made of!
This video is making a "BUZZ" all over the internet (cue the rim shot!)
One thing about this video; it will creep you out, but it does give you a unique perspective inside a wasp nest without getting stung! As much as I didn't want to watch this, I couldn't stop. It really is cool.
YouTuber Vang Tsal filmed the nest with ease, through the inside of the window. You can see how a wasp moves around and how they live in this very large and very active wasp nest. It reminds me of an ant farm.
I hope he decides to keep the wasp nest, he says that no harm will come to him because it's a double pane window.