Earlier this week, Disney World announced yet another change at The Most Magical Place on Earth and some fans are none too happy about it.

The iconic entrance gates to the Florida theme park will be updated to complement the recent makeover to Cinderella Castle.

The gateway is infamous for having multicolored flags and giant cutouts of Mickey and Minnie Mouse along with a blue banner that reads, "Where Dreams Come True."

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Octavio Jones, Getty Images

Disney offered a computer rendering of what the new sign will look like. It includes a revamp of the color scheme to blue, gold and gray. However, the classic cutouts of Mickey and Minnie will remain (although they switch sides) with rainbow-colored flags on top.

The banner's message is getting a change and will read: "The Most Magical Place on Earth."


So, what do you think of the change? I kind of dig it. However, I may be in the minority.

Disney fans had lots of strong opinions on Twitter following the announcement of the change, with the biggest gripe being that this will ruin the magic and nostalgia while entering Disney World.

"Boring and lacks magic," one person replied.

"Horrible! Why change a good thing?" added another.

Regardless, this new sign will not prevent this guy from visiting The Happiest Place on Earth (or whatever the slogan is this week.)


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