Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned, and following news yesterday (June 20) that Iggy Azalea had called off her engagement to Los Angeles Lakers guard Nick Young comes photos courtesy of TMZ of Nick's belongings strewn about outside Iggy's home.

Iggy posted a message to Instagram on Monday saying that despite her best efforts, she is unable to restore any trust in Young after a video came out in March showing Young speaking rather casually of his attempted and successful pick-ups with women other than Iggy, who became his fiancée in June of 2015. "I genuinely wish Nick the best. It’s never easy to part ways with the person you planned your entire future with, but futures can be rewritten and as of today mine is a blank page,” she wrote.

Though she wishes Young well, things appear to have grown acrimonious, as the images obtained by TMZ show Young's furniture piled outside of a garage and the '62 Impala Iggy gifted the ball player being taken away on a flatbed tow truck. Was it that Young continued his cheating ways? Or that he tweeted out "Single" Sunday night, relishing in the freedom that word entails?

Young's professional life may be undergoing a transformation as well, as the Los Angeles Lakers rebuild for their post-Kobe years, with the No. 2 draft pick in Thursday's NBA Draft figuring to be a central piece moving forward. Last year, the Lakers drafted D'Angelo Russell second overall, with Russell recording Young in secret for the aforementioned video. The prevailing notion is that the Lakers are unlikely to keep both Young and Russell on next year's roster, and though Young is under contract for the 2016-17 season, he is also 31 years old.

Check the images of Young's stuff out by the yard over at TMZ.

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