If You Thought That Your AC Unit is the Only Thing That Needs to Worry About the Heat in Louisiana Think Again

The number of heat-related deaths and illnesses is still on the rise in Louisiana. The Louisiana Department of Health (LDH) updated the total number of heat-related deaths to 25 for the months of June, July, and August.

According to Louisiana Records, a Majority of the Deaths are Men.

22 of the 25 deaths were male, and the data shows that men are often overrepresented in heat deaths because they are more likely to work outdoors. Due to the record number of Excessive Heat Warnings issued by the National Weather Service. Governor John Bel Edwards issued a state of emergency due to excessive heat on August 14.


Hearing About So Many Heat-Related Deaths Has Us Wondering, Do We Know What to Look Out For?

What signs is our body showing us telling us we are in severe danger? What is heat exhaustion? According to the CDC, heat exhaustion is "the body’s response to an excessive loss of water and salt".

What Are the Symptoms of Heat Exhaustion in Adults According to the CDC?

The CDC listed these symptoms: Headache, nausea, dizziness, weakness, irritability, thirst, heavy sweating, elevated body temperature, and decreased urine output.

Heat Exhaustion Leads to Heat Stroke and Heat Stroke is the Most Severe Heat-Related Illness.

According to the CDC "Heat stroke is the most serious heat-related illness. It occurs when the body can no longer control its temperature: the body’s temperature rises rapidly, the sweating mechanism fails, and the body is unable to cool down. When heat stroke occurs, the body temperature can rise to 106°F or higher within 10 to 15 minutes. Heat stroke can cause permanent disability or death if the person does not receive emergency treatment."

The Symptoms of Heat Stroke Include:

Confusion, altered mental status, slurred speech, loss of consciousness, hot, dry skin or profuse sweating, seizures, very high body temperature.

Top 10 Most Likely Things to Kill You in Louisiana

After researching data from previous years, these are the most likely things to take you out if you live in the Sportsman's Paradise. With a little careful planning and this information, you could live a long and happy life in Louisiana.

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