Folks in Louisiana Could Soon Be Limited to 2 Alcoholic Beverages a Day?
I don't know about you, but almost everyone I know has an adult beverage of choice. My neighbor loves cold beer. In fact pretty much every single man I know has a beer of choice that they love. They don't drink all the time, but they have something they really enjoy.
For me, I'm not a constant drinker. I don't have a cocktail each day of the week, but when I'm with friends I do love a dirty martini.
What If Everything We Thought about Alcohol Was about to Change?
What if everything we thought about alcohol was about to change? Okay, maybe not everything would change, but what if the U.S. recommended guidelines change for how much alcohol men and women should consume each week? Would it make you change your habits?
Right now, the guideline recommends that men have no more than two drinks a day each week, while it's one drink a day each week for women. These standards were set back in the 90's.
Now, those recommendations could be changing after Dr. George Koob told the Daily Mail that the U.S. is looking at changes Canada has made. There is discussion that the U.S. could adopt these new guidelines which recommend only two drinks per week whether you are male or female.
Who is Dr. George Koob? He is the director of the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism. While he doesn't set the guidelines, he is instrumental in giving information to officials including the U.S. Department of Agriculture who do make the guidelines.
In the Daily Mail article, Dr. Koob goes on to talk about how many health officials have changed their minds about the health benefits of alcohol with Koob concluding there are really no benefits to drinking.
We do, on an annual basis, consume slightly more alcohol per person in Louisiana versus the rest of the country according to neworleanscitybusiness.com.
Does this make you think you would change your drinking habits at all?
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