If you attend a community event in Crowley you have likely seen someone dressed up in a costume, and that would be Jimbo. The community is now rallying around this man as his home needs a little help according to our news partners at KATC.

The man spearheading the effort to help local citizen Jimbo with his home is Tony Cradeur who tells KATC that Jimbo can be found at every parade dressed up as some character or other, and he is always handing out candy to the kids.


Crowley Mayor Chad Monceaux says they are so pleased that so may people have volunteered to come together to fix Jimbo's home and to help with his other issues via the Facebook page.

KATC Photo

Team Jimbo has multiple updates of projects on Jimbo's house that have already been completed and the other phases that will need to take place in the future.

When Jimbo was told of the plans to help him deal with the variety of issues at his family's home, he says he felt joy.

Mayor Monceaux says about Jimbo,

He will go out and give things away, candy to kids during parades and different events, when he doesn't have anything himself really. And Jimbo for many years has won the hearts of many people in the city and that's why they're showing up to help him.

Tony Cradeur
KATC Photo

Cradeur says he and the other volunteers gathered things from inside and outside the home that needed to be taken to storage or needed to be thrown away. They will also work on the issue of mold in the home.

If you would like to help, you can find out more information on their Facebook page.

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Gallery Credit: Sabienna Bowman