ESPN hosted its annual award show Thursday night and Nick Saban was awarded the Icon Award.

The former college football coach was awarded the award by two of Alabama's greatest players, but that did not stop Coach Saban from bringing up his days at LSU.

While discussing how sports bring people together, Saban recalled when Jesse Jackson spoke to the LSU Tigers after winning the National Championship under Nick Saban.

Jackson told Coach Saban that his team and Tiger Stadium are closer to the Kingdom of God than his church. Knowing what goes on in Tiger Stadium on a Saturday night, Saban was dumbfounded by the comment.

LSU v Oklahoma
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The Reverend would go on to explain how the team and stadium bring everyone together with one mission and all is one.

I don't know how Alabama fans will feel about this, but I know that LSU fans love this compliment by Nick Saban. After all, I think Baton Rouge, Louisiana has a special place in the heart of Nick Saban.

Here's retired Coach Nick Saban referencing LSU's Tiger Stadium while on the stage of the ESPYs.


Check out a few other special moments from Nick Saban on the night he was awarded this prestigious award.


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