Flying Out of Louisiana? The 18 Things You’ll See Before You Land
Air travel out of Louisiana is fairly easy and fairly convenient. We have seven airports that serve passenger airlines in Louisiana. You can catch a flight to just about anywhere from Lake Charles, Lafayette, Baton Rouge, New Orleans, Alexandria, Shreveport, and Monroe. The airports in Lafayette and New Orleans still have that "new airport smell" to them and both facilities are quite nice.
If you've flown more than a few times then you know there are certain things you come to expect when traveling by air. Sometimes your flights are smooth and effortless. Other times you get lost by your airline. Seriously, it happened to me while traveling in Asia. My return flights got removed from my itinerary seven times. Here's the story.
Thank goodness adventures such as my experience with United Airlines are not the norm. But as we say that, we have to remind you, that there is nothing normal about the way people behave when they fly. Maybe it's because they are nervous. Maybe it's because they are tired. Or maybe they've been at the airport bar since 6 in the morning and their "Mimosa" of Jack and Coke has made them a bit "ornery".
I am sure you've seen your share of characters and events unfold while soaring through the friendly skies, but if you fly out of Louisiana, I am willing to be, even on a short jump to Atlanta, you will encounter most if not all of the following people and experiences on your flight.
Alright, put your seat back up in the forward position, secure your tray, and let's start pointing fingers.