Louisiana Diners Do You Know The ’12 Commandments’ of Eating Out?
A sharp-eyed investigator can tell a lot from just a little information. For example, if you have a Louisiana driver's license I already know two things about you. It doesn't matter whether you call the big cities of New Orleans and Baton Rouge home, or you make your living in a smaller town such as Hessmer, Elton, Basile, or Kinder.
What are the two things we can tell about you just by looking at your driver's license? One, you live in a place that is subject to flooding. And two, you love to eat good food.
I will admit we did not go too far out on the limb to make those statements but one thing I know about Louisiana and food is that when aren't making it at home, we love to go out for it. I know in Lafayette, Louisiana that has a name for a restaurant that either has bad food, bad service, or high prices, they call that restaurant closed.
The food service industry is not for the faint of heart. It's people-pleasing on steroids. You have to please them with your food. You have to please them with your service. You have to please them with your ambiance. You have to at least make them tolerate you for the prices you charge. And finally, you have to please them in such a way that they help pay the salary of your waitstaff.
Which is why your waiters and waitresses work so hard for you. They know what they make per hour won't pay their bills. So, they are working to earn your TIPS and I hope you're generous when the service is good. And when the service is not, I hope you look for the real reason. Maybe it was a bad server or maybe it was a kitchen issue or a supply issue. As someone who has waited on the general public, I implore you, don't shoot the messenger.
That being said, while you've developed your list of pet peeves that you have about dining out, your waitstaff have developed their list of what makes them mad about you. I think most of us will find ourselves in a few slots on this list. Maybe the next time we are blessed to dine out in an establishment that cares about our business we will remember some of these "pet peeves" and do a better job of being a better guest.