If you're a savvy shopper you know where to look for the bullseye on savings, right? Well, that's what the folks who operate Target Stores in cities such as Lafayette, Alexandria, Lake Charles, Monroe, and Shreveport would like you to believe. Target has built a "brick and mortar" reputation as a go-to shopping destination for everything from groceries to household items, clothing, and electronics.

New Exterior Look of Super Target
Staff Photo

As of January of this year, the state with the most Target Stores was California. There were 316 locations in that state. Texas was second on the Target list with 156 locations. Louisiana was much further down on the locations list. Louisiana currently boasts 16 locations of the retailer. But as we have alluded, you can find a Target store in every major Louisiana city.

Google Maps/Google Streetview
Google Maps/Google Streetview

The mission statement for Target Stores centers around families. In fact, the retailer strives to "help families find joy in everyday life by providing surprises, fun, and inspiration whenever and wherever they shop". They also foster an environment of community stewardship. The Target brand has had a community donation plan in place since 1946. Part of that donation plan includes returning some 5% of store profits to the communities they serve.

And while Target stores have been a traditional choice for shopping and saving money in Louisiana for decades as of July 15th this shopping tradition will no longer be honored by Target locations in Louisiana or anywhere else in the country for that matter.

scott staub via YouTube
scott staub via YouTube

The change has to do with the way people spend money and purchase items. You've probably found yourself ordering more and more items from retailers via websites. Whether you have the items shipped to your home or you pick them up in-store you're still paying for the purchases electronically. In fact, almost all of us pay for our purchases electronically which is why Target will no longer be accepting personal checks as a form of payment.

That's right, you can leave your checkbook at home if you plan on shopping at Target Stores after July 15th. The retailer cites extremely low volumes of personal checks being written in the first place as their reason for discontinuing the practice.

Matthew Staver, Bloomberg/Getty
Matthew Staver, Bloomberg/Getty

Target does offer several other options to pay for your purchases. You may certainly use cash or your credit or debit card. You might also use your digital wallet on your phone to provide payment information. SNAP/EBT cards are also accepted. But as of July 15th no longer will you be allowed to hold up the line while you write out a personal check.

Is the personal check about to go the way of the postage stamp? No, wait we still have stamps. Guess how much they are going to cost by the end of this week? Didn't see that one coming either did you?

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Gallery Credit: Bruce Mikells





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