With Louisiana in store for some serious Winter weather for the week of 1/20/25, there are quite a few things to think about as we prepare for temperatures and conditions we're just not used to dealing with.

What will we get in Louisiana and the Acadiana area?

Snow? Sleet? Frozen roads and bridges?

Let's take a look at what the experts are forecasting, tips for staying safe, and what potential risks we could be dealing with in South Louisiana.

South Louisiana Winter Forecast

Will It Snow In South Louisiana?

As of now (1/15/25) it's still a little uncertain what we'll deal with in Lafayette and Acadiana next week Winter weather wise.

Will we get freezing rain and sleet, or will we actually get snow?

KATC's current 7 day outlook -

Sunday 1/9 - High of 47, low of 28 w/ a 5% chance of rain

Monday 1/20 - High of 39, low 27 w/ a 10 10% chance of rain

Tuesday 1/21 - High of 33, low of 28 w/ a 50% chance of rain

As you can see, with the chance of rain and temperatures being forecast, we could see sleet, frozen roads, bridges, and overpasses, and possibly...snow.

Obviously, these temperatures and the conditions that come with them aren't things we see often in South Louisiana, so let's take a look at some potential risks and tips on how to deal with these risks.

Icicles hanging off of a house in the winter
Garrett Aitken

Extreme Cold Weather Risks For Louisiana

Icy Roads and Bridges: Elevated surfaces like bridges and overpasses freeze quickly, making them particularly dangerous.

Ice on Power Lines: Freezing rain and snow can weigh down power lines, leading to outages.

Frozen Pipes: Homes in Louisiana often have uninsulated pipes, making them vulnerable to freezing and bursting during cold snaps.

Carbon Monoxide Risks: Warn against the improper use of space heaters, grills, or generators indoors to stay warm, as this can lead to carbon monoxide poisoning.

Inexperienced Drivers: Since snow is rare, many people in Lafayette and Acadiana simply lack experience driving in winter conditions, increasing the risk of accidents.

Winter Storm Brings Snow And Ice Conditions To Northeast
(Photo by Scott Eisen/Getty Images)

Tips For Louisiana During Freezing Winter Weather

The folks at weather.gov have put together some helpful tips for Louisiana to deal with the upcoming freezing weather.

From -

Extreme Cold Safety

General Information

Minimize travel.

1) Stay indoors during the worst part of the extreme cold.
2) Keep a winter survival kit in your vehicle if you must travel.
3) Check tire pressure, antifreeze levels, heater/defroster, etc.
4) Learn how to shut off water valves for potential pipe bursts.
5) Check on the elderly.
6) Bring pets inside.

How Should I Dress?

1) Wear layers of loose-fitting, lightweight, warm clothing, and a hat.
2) Mittens, snug at the wrist, are better than gloves.
3) Cover your mouth to protect your lungs from extreme cold.
4) Try to stay dry and out of the wind.

Big Freeze Brings Snow, Ice and Flooding To The UK
Dan Kitwood/Getty Images

At this point, we know for certain South Louisiana and Acadiana will experience the coldest temperatures we've dealt with yet, but as far as exactly what those temperatures will bring is still a bit of a "Wait and See" as of now.

From KATC -

"Remember that these kinds of systems are incredibly tough to pin down so don't get fixated on today's forecast.

Right now it looks like timing would be Tuesday afternoon/evening into Wednesday morning, although exact timing is impossible to pin down this far out.

This would mean that travel Wednesday morning could be hazardous with ice on roads, particularly bridges and overpasses."

So, keep the gumbo posts on the stove, get ready to hunker down if need be, and stay safe!

We'll see what Mother Nature will truly bring to Louisiana at the beginning of next week

TIPS: Here's how you can prepare for power outages

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