Ice Events That Brought Louisiana to a Grinding Halt in the Last 10 Years
Lafayette, LA (KPEL News) - Louisiana doesn't deal well with freezing temperatures, and anytime ice is involved, we grind to a near halt. 2024 may qualify as one of those times, but we have dealt with it (and l lived to tell the tale) at least three times in the last 10 years.
Scrolling through my memories on Facebook reminded me that Louisiana has dealt with crazy cold weather several times over the last 15 years. That's just since I've had social media.
We tell folks who don't like Louisiana weather to wait 15 minutes because it will certainly change. Winter in Acadiana certainly bears that out. We spend a weekend with sunny and 65 degree weather, and then deal with insanely cold weather the next week.
Here's a look at three super cold memories from the last decade.
A winter storm blew through the Gulf south, closed interstates, and shut down businesses from Texas to Mississippi. Temperatures struggled to get above freezing, and we were as frozen as the roads.
Ice was everywhere. "Nasty cold temperatures" descended upon states from Texas to Maine. Just seeing the pictures and video causes shivers.
The ice storm of 2021 brings back memories of Texas without power and a lot of us in Louisiana not being able to go to work because the ice was so bad on the roadways.
And it all happened during Mardi Gras weekend!
I remember that I couldn't get out of my driveway because it was glazed over like a skating rink. Utility service crews, thankfully, managed to get around so they could turn on electricity where it was available. 2021 made 2018 and 2014 look like days at the beach.
Beat The Freeze In Texas With This Fantastic Ice Castle
Gallery Credit: Tommy Paradise, Townsquare Media, Vrbo, Canva
Good Tips For Properly Cleaning Your Freezer
Gallery Credit: Steve Tanko