A bill of information was filed in the 31st Judicial Court against a surgeon who has been at the center of accusations from several patients for inappropriate behavior while they were in the doctor's office, according to a report by KPLC.

The bill of information has been filed against Dr. Bahman "Ben" Sabbaghian for one count of misdemeanor sexual battery in Jeff Davis Parish. In December of 2024, a Facebook post from a woman wanting to warn other women about Sabbaghian prompted KLFY to investigate the women's claims.

According to Louisiana law, a bill of information is,

An information is a written accusation of crime made by the district attorney or the city prosecutor and signed by him.  It must be filed in open court in a court having jurisdiction to try the offense, or in the office of the clerk thereof.

What Constitutes Misdemeanor Sexual Battery In Louisiana?

According to Louisiana law, misdemeanor sexual battery is defined the following way,

§43.1.1. Misdemeanor sexual battery

            A. Misdemeanor sexual battery is the intentional touching of the breasts or buttocks of the victim by the offender using any instrumentality or any part of the body of the offender, directly or through clothing, or the intentional touching of the breasts or buttocks of the offender by the victim using any instrumentality or any part of the body of the victim, directly or through clothing, when the offender acts without the consent of the victim.

            B. Whoever commits the crime of misdemeanor sexual battery shall be fined not more than one thousand dollars, or imprisoned for not more than six months, or both.

To read the complete language of the law, click here.

The attorney for Sabbaghian told Channel 10 that the allegations brought by the false. The Louisiana State Medical Board is investigating all of the claims, and Stockstill says they are cooperating with the investigation.

LOOK: What major laws were passed the year you were born?

Data for this list was acquired from trusted online sources and news outlets. Read on to discover what major law was passed the year you were born and learn its name, the vote count (where relevant), and its impact and significance.

Gallery Credit: Katelyn Leboff