Church Point, LA (KPEL News) - Louisiana State Police notified KPEL News that a man was killed while walking along a Louisiana highway just outside of Church Point in Acadia Parish.

The majority of pedestrian fatalities in Louisiana happen when it's dark. Data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention show increases each year in pedestrian deaths as a result of being hit by a car. The numbers climb every year between 2018 and 2023. For example, in January of 2018, 560 people walking along roadways died in a vehicle-related accident. In January of 2023, 729 pedestrians were killed in a crash.


The crash, near Vautrot's Mini-Mart, claimed the life of 38-year-old Tyler Roberts of Rayne. Police say they responded to the call at about 9:30 Sunday night.

Investigators believe Roberts was walking along LA 95 and was struck by a 2017 Ford Escape. Both he and the vehicle were headed northbound. Roberts died a short time after arriving at the hospital. The driver of the vehicle was wearing a seatbelt and was not injured. A breathalyzer administered on scene showed the driver had not been drinking, nor were they impaired at the time. A standard toxicology sample from Roberts was taken for analysis.

Louisiana State Police urge pedestrians to take more precautions when walking near the side of a road. Nearly 70% of pedestrian fatalities happen at night, so they suggest the following:

  • wear reflective clothing
  • avoid distractions
  • do not walk on or too close to the roadway
  • walk against the flow of traffic to prevent injury or death

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