There's a New Orleans Uber driver making waves across social media right now, and for all of the right reasons.

People can't stop posting videos of this Shrek-themed Uber driver, completely decked out and dressed as Shrek, along with props in his vehicle...and we're absolutely loving it.

New Orleans Shrek Uber Driver
TiTok Via nola_shrek_mobile

Shrek Mobile New Orleans

Shrek was a massive critical and commercial success, grossing nearly $500 million worldwide.

It won the first-ever Academy Award for Best Animated Feature and spawned a successful franchise, including sequels, spin-offs like Puss in Boots, and a Broadway musical.

The film remains a cultural phenomenon, celebrated for its humor, heartwarming story, and enduring message that beauty comes from within.

One enterprising New Orleans Uber driver, known on TikTok as nola_shrek_mobile has recently set the Crescent City and social media abuzz with his Shrek-themed Uber, dressing up in full costume and even providing props for passengers.

Shrek Uber Diver
TiTok Via nola_shrek_mobile

From -

"The impact (of Shrek) is so profound, in fact, that there’s now a guy driving around New Orleans with a Shrek-theme Uber.
According to his TikTok profile, he’s 'Just an oger [sic] trying to spread a little happiness into the world.' Judging by people’s reactions to him, he’s doing pretty well at achieving his goal."


Shrek Honored On The Hollywood Walk Of Fame
(Photo by Kevork Djansezian/Getty Images)


The "Shrek Uber," has quickly become a boneafide viral sensation in New Orleans, now officially known as the "NOLA Shrek Mobile."

Operated by Shrek enthusiast Milton Ladner, this one-of-a-kind ride is fully decked out with Shrek-themed décor, including plush toys, Shrek decals, and even Shrek movies playing while ride.

Adding to its quirky appeal, the car boasts a Louisiana license plate reading "Shrek 1."

Perfect for late-night New Orleans adventures, this themed Uber has become a local favorite, bringing laughter and joy to passengers across the city.

You follow the Shrek madness on TikTok @nola_shrek_mobile.

@nola_shrek_mobile my sound wasn't working so i had to use a laugh track #uber #shruber #genxtiktokers #DreamWorks #shrekswifties #ilovebabyshrek #shrekuber #nola_shrek_mobileteeshirts #nola_shrek_mobile #barstoolsportsnola #onthisday #fyp #shrek #thejointbbq ♬ Funny Song - Bruno Portinho Trilhas para filmes

@nola_shrek_mobile #DreamWorks #ilovebabyshrek #shrekuber #nola_shrek_mobileteeshirts #nola_shrek_mobile #barstoolsportsnola #onthisday #fyp #uber #shrek #thejointbbq #lyft #seacavearcade #shrekswifties ♬ original sound - nola_shrek_mobile

@lacceyjohnson BEST DAY EVER!!!! #erastour #fyp #nola@nola_shrek_mobile ♬ original sound - Movieclips

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With the holiday spirit in the air, it’s the perfect time to dive into the history of iconic holiday gifts. Using national toy archives and data curated by The Strong from 1920 to today, Stacker searched for products that caught hold of the public zeitgeist through novelty, innovation, kitsch, quirk, or simply great timing, and then rocketed to success.

Gallery Credit: Jacob Osborn & Peter Richman

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