Kevin Gates was reportedly set to be released from jail in late March after his 180-day sentencing. However, the court had other plans for him. Now, reports are surfacing that the "2 Phones" rapper has been denied bail by a judge in Illinois, and will remain in jail on weapons charges until the end of his weapons charge case.

According to Billboard, the Baton Rouge native, who is currently being held at Kendall County Jail, went to his bond hearing on April 19 at the Bridgeview Courthouse in Illinois, where a judge denied his bond application. While he was originally sentenced to 180 days in jail back in October after being found guilty of misdemeanor battery for kicking a female fan in the chest at a Florida concert in 2015, Gates is now facing weapons charges after being arrested on an outstanding warrant in Illinois.

Back in March, the 31-year-old hitmaker was being processed for a release by authorities at Polk County Jail in Florida, but they discovered an outstanding warrant for weapons charges, and put him back in his cell. He was later released to travel to Illinois, where he turned himself in to Illinois police in Cook County on March 29.

Although his legal woes are pending, the rapper did release new music earlier this month, a new song called "What If," where he reflects on life.

“What if God was one of us? Just a thug like one of us? / Looking for love in the club like one of us / Tryna make it out the slums like one of us,” he says, borrowing lines from singer Joan Osborne’s 1995 hit “One of Us.”

We'll keep you updated on his legal issues as information is released.


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