Your Live Christmas Tree May Be Infested With Bugs [VIDEO]
If you have a live Christmas tree in your home, take note.
A report out this week has caught the attention of many who have elected to put a real tree in their home for the holidays. The report says that if you have a live Christmas tree in your home you may be bringing bugs and other insects into your house.
Yes, the trees that some are dragging into their homes are infested with bugs and their eggs. And according to the report here, the eggs are more likely to hatch once inside your house.
It is recommended that you leave the live tree outside or in the garage for a day prior to erecting it in your house.
I'd always recommend that you have it the tree inspected before putting in your house. You never know what else may be in the tree your about to put in your home.
Will this deter some from putting up the "real tree" in their home? I doubt it. But be safe and always follow safety tips when putting a real tree in your home for Christmas.
Feed it plenty of water!!