AG Landry’s Office Arrests Amite City Councilman On Charges Of Alleged Election Fraud
According to a report from WAFB, a city councilman in Louisiana has been arrested for alleged election fraud.
UPDATE: This morning (Jan. 6) Attorney General Jeff Landry announced that his office along with Secretary of State Kyle Ardoin's investigators arrested Amite city councilman Emanuel Zanders on 8 counts of alleged election fraud.
ORIGINAL STORY: Landry stated that on Tuesday, Jan. 5 his office along with Louisiana Secretary of State Kyle Ardoin’s investigators arrested councilman Emanuel Zanders on eight counts of election fraud.
The report is based on information that came directly from Attorney General Jeff Landry's office who went on to say that "more information would be provided during a news conference" on Wednesday (Jan. 6) at 11 a.m.
Louisiana Attorney General Jeff Landry and Secretary of State Kyle Ardoin are scheduled to speak at the news conference where the discussion will reportedly surround "election integrity."
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